
Teacher and student looking at notebook together at a student desk

Seizing the Formative Assessment Moment

I’ve seen teachers do a great job identifying and creating formative assessments However, the learning does not take place in that moment nor does it end with the collection of student work. Formative assessment is a process that begins with the collection of student work but is dependent on how teachers analyze it to plan next steps and include students in revising, rethinking, clarifying and questions their work and learning as a result.

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close up image of students sitting on the floor clapping

The Opportunity for Meaningful and engaging curriculum

Time has always been a precious commodity for teachers, but now, with the different structures which must be navigated and the uncertainty of the times, educators have to be especially conscious of what they teach, how they teach it and how they assess in order to maximize learning. As a result, an opportunity has presented itself to reexamine curriculum, not only for now but also for the future.

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